Back Pain Causes Affecting Women in Vacaville

According to research, 60% to 80% of people experience low back pain during their lifetime wherein majority of them are women across all age groups. The prevalence of back pain in women increases with age. Additionally, a middle-age subject research comparison shows that the incidence of back pain in women increases compared to men post menopause age.
Here are the possible low back pain causes that women in Vacaville should worry more than men:
Menopause and Hormonal Issues in Vacaville
According to research, chronic low back pain (LBP) is one of the most common musculoskeletal challenges that women face during menopause. Around 70% of perimenopausal women will experience estrogen deficiency symptoms, while over half of women in perimenopause have musculoskeletal pain. Most studies have shown that increasing menopausal symptoms have a connection to chronic back pain symptoms.
Menstruation or Uterine Dysfunction
Dysmenorrhea, a uterine dysfunction that causes frequent and severe cramping for women during menstruation, can also lead to the development of back pain in women. This condition is known as either primary or secondary, and with both types, the common symptom is low back pain.
- Primary dysmenorrhea begins when the period of a woman starts and perpetuates throughout her life. The atypical and harsh uterine contractions can end up in recurrent and severe menstrual cramping.
- Secondary dysmenorrhea can occur later in life, and it can be caused by other conditions like endometriosis or pelvic inflammatory disease.
Endometriosis is a chronic condition that can trigger low back pain in women. The condition takes place when the tissue that acts like endometrial tissue starts growing inside the uterus, pelvic cavity, or other areas. The displaced tissue responds to the hormonal changes of the body and can cause pain, swelling, bleeding, and spotting between periods.
Since the endometriosis growths bleed monthly the same way as the uterine lining, without having a place for the blood to go to, the excess fluid can inflame and irritate the surrounding tissue. This can result in chronic pain, heavy periods, and scar tissue build-up.
The symptoms of endometriosis can appear at any menstrual cycle stage. It is normal to feel pelvic pain that radiates down the legs, and some women may even experience gnawing and throbbing pain that can go from mild to very severe.
The symptoms include the following:
- Constipation
- Pain upon ovulation
- Pelvic cavity inflammation
- Pain upon sexual intercourse
- Abdominal or lower back pain
- Pain upon walking or standing
- Pain during voiding and urinary urgency
- State of being chronically tired
- Pain during bowel movements and radiating rectal pain
- Pain caused by adhesions within the bladder, bowls, ovaries, and fallopian tubes
Endometriosis can be diagnosed by a doctor finding endometrial growths during a pelvic exam and requesting imaging tests to help identify the presence of endometrial cysts.
If you need help with back pain or any associated pain, you can always visit Absolute Integrative Physical Medicine in Vacaville, CA. You can set up an appointment prior by dialing (707) 474-5688. Through this, you can get help with back pain and that you can return to your pain-free life.
8:30am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 7:00pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 7:00pm
8:30am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 7:00pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 7:00pm
Absolute Integrative Physical Medicine
1490 Alamo Drive Suite B
Vacaville, CA 95687