Brain Superfoods

Brain Superfoods

Eating brain superfoods can help protect you from dementia, improve your memory, and even grow new brain cells.

This article from Absolute Integrative Physical Medicine is designed to help your nourish your brain with foods that are meant to make you develop a sharp mind and prevent damage to your brain cells.

Good foods for your brain

There are foods out there that can cause inflammation, weight gain, and oxidative damage. They can even be bad for both your brain cells and your stem cells.

It is important to consider brain foods that possess these qualities:

  • Antioxidant
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Delicious (To make you enjoy eating them)
  • Organic, free of herbicides and pesticides, and other brain-damaging toxins
  • Provides nutrients and minerals for your brain and body

You should also consider foods that contain healthy fats such as Omega-3 fatty acids. Not all brain foods contain healthy fats, but majority of them are.

There is a brain superfood that you should consider the most wherein it is filled with antioxidants, which are blueberries.

Why blueberries? Check out the benefits of this sweet, dark fruit:

  • Rich in antioxidants
  • Improves your memory
  • Protects you from aging
  • Rich in nutrients, low in calories
  • Anti-cancer properties
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Supports a healthy brain
  • Fights diabetes
  • Improves blood flow to the brain
  • Promotes healthy cholesterol levels
  • Reduces your risk of heart disease
  • Fights urinary tract infections (UTI)
  • Prevents damage to your stem cells
  • Improves communication between brain cells

The best thing about blueberries is how they can benefit your brain. It can protect your brain from oxidative damage, reduce inflammation, and improve your memory. Its anti-inflammatory properties can fight off brain disorders such as Alzheimer's disease, among many others.

Research on blueberries

According to British researchers, eating blueberries can have an impact on cognitive performance. Their study lasted for 12 weeks, and they measured how blueberries affects the memory and influenced blood flow in the brain.

Here is a summary of what they found out so far:

  • Blueberries improved working memory
  • Blueberries increased brain activity
  • Blueberries enhanced blood flow to the brain

5 ways to enjoy consuming blueberries

Blueberries can be enjoyed on their own considering how they work well even in its bare form. But there are other ways that you can enjoy it to make it even more interesting and perhaps add more to what they can already benefit you. Here are some other ways that you can consume blueberries:

  1. Eating an oatmeal is healthy already but why not add some blueberries to it? Blueberries can make your oatmeal even more tasty because of its natural flavor. This can add some flavor variation to the regular oatmeal that you're already used to eating.
  2. If you plan on arranging a cheese plate, make sure to add blueberries to the mix. Apart from that, it can add more to the presentation on what you already have on your cheese plate.
  3. Ice cream can be a healthy dessert if you choose the healthier variation. You can add some blueberries to it to make it an even more appetizing dessert. When choosing an ice cream, make sure not to choose something that is full of refined sugar since it can hurt your brain and cause inflammation. With some blueberries in it, your ice cream can already become much sweeter.
  4. How do you like enjoying your blueberries as a beverage? If that's what you prefer, then you should consume it in the form of a smoothie. But don't just stop on blueberries, try to also add some bananas to enhance the sweetness and achieve a smooth texture for it. This is best enjoyed in the morning so that you can power up your brain to start your day.
  5. If you're craving for a snack, then blueberries can help fill that void. Blueberries can be enjoyed even without adding it to other foods or beverages. Instead of munching on something that's unhealthy, you shoulder consider blueberries instead.

Pro tip:

The best type of blueberries are the organic ones. They don't contain pesticides, which can actually damage your brain. So always consider organic blueberries when you're shopping for it in the grocery store.

With blueberries, you can always provide your brain some protection in a fun and healthy way. So, try it out now and see how well it works you.


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Absolute Integrative Physical Medicine

1490 Alamo Drive Suite B
Vacaville, CA 95687

(707) 474-5688