Common Causes of Chronic Lower Back Pain in Vacaville CA

Sometimes, you have an idea why your back is hurting. It could be due to an awkward lifting position that caused the pain to be felt instantly or years of bad posture has led to lower back pain in Vacaville CA. However, there are cases where the source of the pain remains a mystery.
The lumbar spine, located in the lower back, is responsible for supporting the weight of your upper body. It also allows us to perform our daily movements like bending, twisting, and coordinating the muscles in hips, feet, and pelvis legs. Due to heavy use, the bones, disks, ligaments, muscles, and nerves found in the lumbar spine can be prone to injury and wear and tear over time.
Common Causes of Lower Back Pin in Vacaville CA
Apart from that, the common causes of a chronic lower back pain include the following:
Herniated Disc - The thoracic and lumbar spine of an adult consists of 17 bones (vertebrae) stacked on top of each other. Each of these vertebrae has a cushiony disc in between that helps in the absorption of the pressure inflicted on these bones. The discs are also made up of an outer rind and an inner gel.
A herniated disc can happen when the inner gel of the disc slips or squishes beyond the outer rind, thereby letting the gel press on the surrounding nerves and cause pain. The slipping of the disc can happen due to trauma or the usual age-related wear and tear.
Compression Fracture - A spinal compression fracture can happen when a vertebra in the lumbar spine collapses on itself. This can happen due to osteoporosis but can also be the result of a trauma.
With this, severe pain can set in and patients suffering from a lumbar compression fracture can sometimes experience sudden pain and limited spinal mobility.
Spinal Stenosis - This condition can happen when the spinal canal in the lower back becomes narrow and puts pressure on the surrounding nerve roots. It can be caused by a formation of bone spurs, degeneration of a lumbar disc or joint, or thickening of a nearby ligament.
The compression of the nerve roots can be a very painful experience. Spinal stenosis doesn't only cause lower back pain but can also result in sciatica, which is pain that radiates down the lower extremities.
Scoliosis - The spinal has a natural S-curve when viewed from the side. If it curves sideways when viewed from behind, it can be the result of a scoliosis. This deformity can lead to back pain due to its nature.
When the spine takes an improper curvature, it increases the chances of degeneration of the lumbar joints and discs. In most cases, scoliosis doesn't require treatment, but a severe one can put significant stress on the lower back and lead to pain.
Having any of these issues require a specialist for lower back pain especially if the pain has prevented you from doing your daily routine or basic movements. With this, you can visit the clinic of Dr. Alex Tam at Absolute Integrative Physical Medicine in Vacaville, CA. They specialize in chiropractic treatments like a spinal decompression, which is a non-invasive procedure. Just dial (707) 474-5688 if you want to setup an appointment and get treated today!
8:30am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 7:00pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 7:00pm
8:30am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 7:00pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 7:00pm
Absolute Integrative Physical Medicine
1490 Alamo Drive Suite B
Vacaville, CA 95687