Hernia Back Pain in Vacaville CA

There are many causes of back pain in Vacaville CA. One of those causes is something related to the development of hernia. In hernia back pain, the intensity of the pain can range from mild to overwhelming. Also, the diagnosis for this type is not the easiest one to arrive at.
A hernia is a protrusion from the abdominal walls when there is a defect on the wall itself. This protrusion is a bulge that is evident beneath the skin and can be felt when you run finger on it. It is normally part of the intestines, fat, or tissue that pushes through a weakened part of the abdominal wall. The location of the bulge determines the type of hernia that you have.
Back pain and hernias in Vacaville CA
There are cases of hernia that ends up in back pain. However, this may seem illogical because the two main types of hernia usually occur in the diaphragm or groin. These types are called hiatal and inguinal. The one that results in back pain is the hiatal type. This hernia can cause swelling on the esophagus that may press against the spine and lead to severe discomfort. An excess of the acid in the stomach can also be another cause for this swelling.
Hernia back pain treatment
Fortunately, back pain caused by hiatal hernia can be treated in a number of ways. Many cases of hiatal hernia don't require any intervention, but the back pain might. Since many cases of acid build-up in the stomach indirectly causes back pain, it is important to control the acid for this instance. Doctors would recommend the use of Nexium or Prilosec to help control production of acid in the stomach.
Lifestyle changes can also be incorporated into the mix. This major change should include switching to a healthier diet. The type of food eaten, meal frequency, and quantity can all help in the improvement of your condition. If you stay away from acid-producing foods, it can help control the buildup of acids in the stomach. Lesser acid produced means lesser chances of swelling in the esophagus and pressing against the spine.
Apart from removing certain items from your menu, it is also recommended to eat smaller portions in one sitting. If possible, stay away from alcohol and smoking as well.
Obesity is also another factor in the occurrence of hernias and back pain. Make sure to lose some weight to help minimize or even eliminate some hernia back pain. Having a large hiatal hernia may require surgery to repair it. Once the risk of strangulation in blood supply is there, surgery is the recommended option.
You can also manage hiatal hernias through the following:
- Avoid eating large amounts of carbohydrates, fats, and spicy foods.
- Don't bend over after eating, especially if you've eaten a lot.
- Wear loose clothing on the stomach to keep it from getting restricted and placed under pressure.
The good news about hernia back pain is that despite it being uncomfortable, it is not dangerous once the underlying cause is treated. Just follow your treatment program and you feel relief from the associated back pain.
To know more about hernia back pain and some ways of treating it, just visit our clinic at Absolute Integrative Physical Medicine in Vacaville, CA. You can setup an appointment with us by dialing (707) 474-5688 today!
8:30am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 7:00pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 7:00pm
8:30am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 7:00pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 7:00pm
Absolute Integrative Physical Medicine
1490 Alamo Drive Suite B
Vacaville, CA 95687