Joint Pain Triggers That Can Worsen RA in Vacaville

Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is a chronic health condition where your immune system mistakenly attacks healthy joints and other tissues, which then causes pain, fatigue, and swelling. To slow and prevent joint damage caused by RA, early treatment is your best option. Once you've done this, you'll go back to your normal mobility and live a healthier life.
You should know that there are lifestyle habits that you can do to further support your RA treatment plan and reduce joint pain. It pays off to know the common joint pain triggers in Vacaville and taking the necessary steps to prevent them.
common joint pain triggers in Vacaville
- Smoking - In general, smoking is bad for your health. It is linked to an increased risk of RA development and continuing this habit can worsen your joint pain. RA patients who continue to smoke have higher levels of certain chemical markers in the body that shows ongoing joint damage and disease activity even when they're undergoing treatment. On top of that, it can increase pain scores, make the disease more active, and lower the likelihood of achieving disease remission among RA patients.
- Not consuming enough omega-3s - Foods like salmon and other cold-water fish are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and they can help fight pain related to RA. Not only that, it can reduce inflammation as well. This is the reason why an omega-3-rich diet is ideal for people with RA. But if you don't have these foods to eat, omega-3 supplements can also do a better job.
- Living a sedentary lifestyle - Just like any form of arthritis, "motion is lotion", which means that doing exercise and other physical activities can be beneficial. If you have RA, exercising regularly can give your more energy, better daily functioning, and less pain.
- A sedentary lifestyle can be harmful to your health since it can put you at risk for heart disease or even further damage your joints. It can also make your muscles weak, which could decrease protection for your joints. Exercise and physical activity can have anti-inflammatory effects that are also beneficial for people with RA.
- Stressing out - Having stress in your daily life can increase joint pain because it can alter your immune function and exacerbate your RA. Researchers are still puzzled by the connection between RA and stress but it's clear how it affects people with RA. This is the reason why stress reduction techniques like meditation and yoga should be incorporated into your life. Not only will it reduce your stress levels but it will also make you feel better on the inside.
- Being overweight - Excess weight can put extra stress on your joints, which then worsens your RA symptoms and increase your risk for other serious health problems like heart disease. Obesity is common in people with RA and it is also linked to RA disease activity.
- Losing all that excess weight and maintaining a healthy weight level can improve your quality of life and can even aid in your treatment. So, make sure to consult with a doctor on how much weight you should reduce to make it beneficial for your RA.
8:30am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 7:00pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 7:00pm
8:30am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 7:00pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 7:00pm
Absolute Integrative Physical Medicine
1490 Alamo Drive Suite B
Vacaville, CA 95687