Knee Pain and Pregnancy in Vacaville

When the word pain and pregnancy are being used in the same sentence, some people would immediately think that it's back discomfort, swollen ankles, and the delivery process. Knee pain is rarely mentioned on the list but it is a very real side effect of pregnancy for some women.
Knee pain can be very serious during pregnancy. In fact, some women have it so bad that they're unable to walk. Apart from the pregnancy period, this can also happen during postpartum, and the pain can range from mild to debilitating. The good news is that knee pain doesn't have to be immobilizing and miserable during and after your pregnancy in Vacaville.
Knee pain during pregnancy in Vacaville
It shouldn't be a surprise that knee pain is common during pregnancy because it is well-known that having extra weight can cause knee problems. The extra weight of carrying a child inside your womb can put pressure on the weight-bearing joints and can already be the cause for knee pain.
Knee pain can also be caused by the hormonal changes that a woman undergoes during pregnancy. During the third trimester, hormones are being released to loosen up the pelvic tendons and ligaments in preparation for childbirth. However, the hormones don't just trigger looseness in the pelvic area but it tends to also do that to other ligaments and tendons, including those around the knees. This event can make things a little unstable, which could cause the kneecap to not track properly and will result in knee pain.
Knee pain after pregnancy
Knee pain can go away after pregnancy, but it won't happen immediately. After giving birth, the ligaments and tendons remain loose for a couple of months. Also, having your baby doesn't mean that you'll lose the extra weight right away. It's possible that the knee pain will still linger until you're back in shape.
Managing knee pain for pregnant women
Fortunately, knee pain doesn't have to be a burden during pregnancy and the postpartum period. There are some things that you can do to alleviate the pain. These are the strategies that you should try on doing:
- Exercise: Low-impact exercises can strengthen your quadriceps muscles that provide support to the knees. This activity can compensate for the looseness of the tendons and ligaments in the knees.
- Wear well-cushioned shoes: Footwear with enough padding and arch support can help absorb the shock to your knees. Sneakers are best during the last trimester since they can give your knees a break.
- Get off your feet: You can reduce the burden on your knees by lifting your knee up whenever possible. Apart from relieving your knee pain, it could also prevent the pain from happening in the first place.
- Avoid excess weight gain: Women who had a normal weight during pregnancy are likely to put on a good 25 to 35 pounds when they become pregnant. If you don't go beyond that weight index, knee pain won't be much of a problem and you can easily return to your pre-pregnancy weight.
Knee pain is one of the many changes that happen to your body during pregnancy. By incorporating these simple strategies, you should make it through your pregnancy and postpartum period with just lesser knee pain.
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2:00pm - 7:00pm
8:30am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 7:00pm
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2:00pm - 7:00pm
Absolute Integrative Physical Medicine
1490 Alamo Drive Suite B
Vacaville, CA 95687