Neck Pain in Children Vacaville CA

In school, children are carrying heavy books in their backpack, and it can become a major problem for them. The weight of the load in their backpack has exceeded the maximum capacity they could support, which could end up in a serious neck and back pain in Vacaville CA.
Contact sports like soccer could also be a problem because they hit the ball using their head to score a goal. They would even scramble on the ground for the loose ball and can end up landing in an awkward position. These athletic activities could put a strain in the neck muscles and cause an intense neck pain.
Common Causes of Neck Pain in Children in Vacaville CA
All of these mentioned so far are some of the more common causes of neck pain in children. Here are the rest:
Poor posture - Have you ever been called out by your teacher or mom to "stop slouching"? Well, even though you've become an adult, this advice still stands. Children usually remain seated in a classroom all day long which is bad enough. But doing it in a slouched position could make matters worse. However, sitting shouldn't be the only time that children should be aware of their posture because there are other activities that could make them do it unconsciously. Even sleeping can strain the neck muscles especially if the head is resting on too many pillows or the neck rests at an unnatural angle.
Daily stress - We may not think that children can have stress but in today's time, they are carrying a tremendous amount of it as well. They can be put under pressure just to perform well at school. Peer pressure and family issues can also increase their stress in life. When stress accumulates, it can lead to tension which results in a variety of health issues including neck pain.
Neck pain in toddlers - Toddlers who have just discovered walking can become accident prone. Many of us have seen a young child running along and they just trip over their own feet. Falling while playing can become a daily occurrence. But one of the most common causes of neck pain in children is sleeping in awkward positions, especially in car seats. So, make sure to provide proper support for your child's neck in the car seat whenever you're traveling.
Injuries from sports activities - Children who participates in a lot of physical activities, especially in contact sports like football, soccer, and wrestling can cause them to suffer from neck injuries. Accidents like falling from a bicycle, skateboard, or a tree can happen every day. This is the reason why a muscle strain or sprain is very common. However, there's a possibility that a head or more severe neck injury can happen and may cause a fracture or concussion. For these cases, a doctor's assistance may be required.
If your child requires medical assistance, our clinic here at Absolute Integrative Physical Medicine in Vacaville, CA can be of help. We are equipped with tools and technology that can help your child manage their neck injury and will surely bring back their pain-free life. Just give us a call at (707) 474-5688 to schedule a consultation today.
8:30am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 7:00pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 7:00pm
8:30am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 7:00pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 7:00pm
Absolute Integrative Physical Medicine
1490 Alamo Drive Suite B
Vacaville, CA 95687