Pain and Discomfort in the Hip and Lower Back in Vacaville CA

The human anatomy is really impressive especially with all its bones, cells, muscles, nerves, and organs. It is nice to how the body communicates and operates through all of these networks. Whether we like it or not, the condition of our body dictates how we feel on a certain day. In fact, good health is determined through the pain and discomfort that we feel on any of our body parts.
Most people have or will feel a certain degree of pain over their lifetime. Unfortunately, back pain is commonly felt by everyone, and they can come more regularly than they should. Hip and lower back pain in Vacaville can take a toll on someone's daily activities and may even affect your social and professional relationships.
Pain and Discomfort in the Hip and Lower Back in Vacaville CA
The back is an essential part of the body. Your posture is dependent on your back because that is where your spinal column is located. For you to limit your chances of experiencing pain, your backbone is something that needs to remain intact. Your spinal column consists of several bones or vertebrae, thirty-three to be exact. These bones alone don't make up the backbone because in between them, there are circular discs or joints that contain cartilage. The discs are responsible for preventing the bones from rubbing against each other and keep them in place. These cartilages are flexible enough to keep the spinal column from bending without breaking, which is why we are able to bend and twist.
A disruption between the discs and bones can be the reason why we experience back pain. When either of them is disrupted, degenerate, or experience outgrowth, this can create pressure on the nerves that are found in the spinal column. These nerves are responsible for informing the brain on what the body should do. In fact, they can affect whether you are capable of moving or not.
There are many instances that can put pressure on the nerve roots, and they can be the reason why you have hip or back pain. For example, fractures, osteoarthritis, stenosis, or a herniated disc can be one of the causes for this. While some of these happen as a part of aging, others can be due to an injury, trauma, childbirth, sporting activity, or unsafe lifting positions. Other conditions like spinal conditions, infections, tumors, and even sacroiliac joint pain can also cause hip and lower back pain.
The sacroiliac joint can be found in between the pelvis and sacrum, which is on the lower end of the backbone. An injury to this joint can cause extreme discomfort to the hip and pelvic area. Sacroiliac joint pain can limit a person's mobility and can even make simple activities a laborious task.
Since a lot of people experience back problems on a regular basis, it is a sign that many are unaware about the prevention of back pain. To prevent this from happening, people should be careful about the kind of activities they engage in. Also, lifting objects in a proper manner should be observed to prevent such incidents from happening to your back.
If you need more help on the prevention of hip and back pain or you have it already, then come visit our clinic at Absolute Integrative Physical Medicine in Vacaville, CA. We specialize in these kinds of pain, and you can be sure that we have an effective treatment program ready for you. Just call us at (707) 474-5688 so that we can schedule an appointment for you as soon as possible.
8:30am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 7:00pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 7:00pm
8:30am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 7:00pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 7:00pm
Absolute Integrative Physical Medicine
1490 Alamo Drive Suite B
Vacaville, CA 95687