Simple Habits That Will Make You Live To A 100 Years Old

Simple Habits That Will Make You
Live To A 100 Years Old

It's never too late to start incorporating new, healthy habits in Vacaville that will change your life for the better. If you try to make some changes on the things you do, you will be able to protect yourself from serious physical and mental health problems. Everyone wants to live a longer life and doing such simple habits will help you accomplish that.

There's no denying that starting a new habit can take some time. But as long as you're focused, patient, and motivated, then your efforts will start producing positive effects. So, what kind of habits do you exactly need to do to live a longer life? We have a few suggestions to help get you started.

Tips to Living Longer in Vacaville CA

1. Get some more sleep especially during your days off

If you give your body ample time to rest, recuperate, and recharge, you will surely live longer. It's important that you find the time to sleep longer especially during weekends or your days off. Experts have found out that sleeping for longer hours could give you a better health. But with our busy society, most people are sleep-deprived, and they don't even realize it.

  • You need to develop a bedtime routine and incorporate better sleeping habits.
  • It's not necessary to always get 9 hours of sleep each night.
  • If you're feeling tired, sick, or out of focus, listen to your body and give it some rest if it desires.
  • If ever your regular sleeping is only for a few hours, make sure that it's optimal and uninterrupted.

2. Don't be a couch potato

If you want to live longer, stop spending majority of your day just being sedentary on the couch. You can still watch the television if you want but only set it at a maximum of 2 hours. Don't develop a habit of turning your sofa into a bed even if it makes you that comfortable.

When you sit for too long, it means that you're not doing enough physical activities. This lifestyle can trigger the development of certain diseases such as stroke, diabetes, and heart disease. So, it's important to limit your time on the TV and be more active instead.

3. Eat more healthy fats

Not all the fats you eat from foods are entirely bad. Fats can help produce energy in your body so it's not ideal to completely avoid them. You should at least learn how to differentiate the healthy fats from the bad fats so that you can start living longer.

By consuming monosaturated fats in high amounts from foods like avocados, nuts, vegetable oil, and coconut oil, you are reducing your chances for a premature death by 16%. Aside from that, fats from animal sources like eggs, poultry, dairy products, and red meat are the best way to go. You should balance your fat intake by also consuming fat sources coming from plants so that you can reduce your risk for an early death by 25%.

4. Hydrate regularly

The body is made up mostly of water. If you're not hydrating properly, you will develop symptomatic diseases such as headache, tiredness, fatigue, and skin dryness.

If your body is not getting its regular supply of water, you're also depriving it of nutrients that the organs need to function properly. Having uncared organs can put you at risk for several diseases even at a young age. But by drinking water regularly, you're allowing your body to:

  • Protect the kidneys
  • Energize the muscles
  • Regular the colon's function
  • Ease the development of wrinkles on your skin

5. Maintain a good relationship with your family and friends

The key to a richer life is to have supporting and understanding family and friends around you. It's important to have someone to share your ups and downs in life so that you can live longer.

You can maintain a positive and healthy mental health if you always unload your concerns, thoughts, and worries with someone. Make sure to maintain a good relationship with your peers and family members so that you can get through the roller coaster that life brings upon you.

Call our team at Absolute Integrative Physical Medicine in Vacaville today for more tips!


8:30am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 7:00pm

9:00am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 7:00pm

8:30am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 7:00pm

9:00am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 7:00pm




Absolute Integrative Physical Medicine

1490 Alamo Drive Suite B
Vacaville, CA 95687

(707) 474-5688