The Link Between Chiropractic and Spinal Manipulation in Vacaville

Chiropractors in Vacaville offer several treatments for musculoskeletal conditions and 80% receive some form of spinal manipulation. Spinal manipulation is a hands-on treatment that is unique from other forms of manual therapy like massage and mobilization. While chiropractors refer to spinal manipulation as an "adjustment", the term spinal manipulation is much easier to understand and is commonly used worldwide.
What is spinal manipulation in Vacaville?
Spinal manipulation involves the use of a quick, shallow force to the spinal joints, moving the target joints or nearby joints a bit beyond their normal range of motion. You can often hear an audible "pop" during manipulation. This sound is believed to be dissolved gas that has been released from joint fluids by a quick drop in pressure. The gas then forms into small bubbles, which causes them to make a popping sound. However, this audible pop isn't always an indication that the spinal manipulation is effective. Even without the sound, the manipulation can still be a success.
Who performs spinal manipulation?
The majority of spinal manipulations are performed by chiropractors. It is then followed by physical therapists, osteopathic physicians, and medical doctors.
What is the goal of spinal manipulation?
Spinal manipulation is meant to reduce the pain and restore function to mechanical disorders of the spinal column. Chiropractors are trained in this highly-specialized form of manual therapy and will determine if you are suitable for this type of treatment. Spinal manipulation works best when paired with active treatments such as stretching and exercise, as well as changes in lifestyle.
What conditions does spinal manipulation treat?
The exact mechanism as to how spinal manipulation works is still uncertain at this time, but several theories are being researched about it including freeing entrapped joint folds, stimulating the nervous system, stretching tight muscles, and unlocking stuck spinal joints.
Spinal manipulation is safe and effective for certain forms of recent onset neck and back pain. It can even work on long-lasting or recurring musculoskeletal disorders. Chiropractors are trained to identify any underlying conditions that could preclude spinal manipulation or any form of manual therapy. Once identified, you will be referred by your chiropractor to the proper medical specialist.
Is spinal manipulation safe?
When spinal manipulation is performed by a trained and licensed practitioner, it is relatively safe. Spinal manipulation can come with some common side effects such as stiffness, temporary muscle soreness, or temporary increase in pain.
There are serious complications as well but they are very rare. This includes death and delays in the diagnosis of serious illnesses. However, there's no need to worry about these serious complications because they happen very rarely especially if you're in the hands of a well-trained chiropractor or practitioner.
If you are eager to get one or want to know if you're qualified for spinal manipulation, you can go have a consultation with Dr. Alex Tam of Vacaville. He's the head chiropractor of Absolute Family Chiropractor and he has treated several patients already. You can talk to him or know more about his services by dialing (707) 474-5688. Dial now and avail this treatment today!
8:30am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 7:00pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 7:00pm
8:30am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 7:00pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 7:00pm
Absolute Integrative Physical Medicine
1490 Alamo Drive Suite B
Vacaville, CA 95687