Understanding Spinal Manipulation in Vacaville

Chiropractors from all over the world use more than 100 types of adjustment techniques. In most cases, chiropractors will focus on using 8 to 10 different approaches in their practice.
These chiropractic techniques that are used by your Vacaville chiropractors are meant to restore or enhance joint function, wherein the general goal is to resolve joint inflammation and reduce pain. Some approaches require some force while others are gentler.
A chiropractic treatment was originally referred to as spinal manipulation and is sometimes called as the diversified technique or the high-velocity, low-amplitude (HVLA) thrust. New chiropractic adjustment approaches usually evolve as a modification from an existing technique and is sometimes named after the chiropractor who established it.
Chiropractic manipulation techniques in Vacaville
Chiropractors create treatment plans for every patient, wherein it is tailored to their needs as well as the severity of their condition. Typically, chiropractic treatment plans would utilize forceful and less forceful spinal adjustment techniques during their single appointment or over the course of the treatment process.
- Spinal manipulation (high-velocity low-amplitude thrust) - The mostly used chiropractic technique is spinal manipulation. This form is the traditional high-velocity low-amplitude (HVLA) thrust. During the manipulation process, you will usually hear an audible "pop" since chiropractors would use their hands to apply a controlled sudden force to a joint while positioning the body in a specific way.
- Spinal mobilization (low-force or gentle chiropractic techniques) - Some conditions, pathology, patient comfort, patient preference, or the patient's size, may require a gentler approach known as spinal mobilization. On top of that, some clinicians and/or patients would prefer mild spinal mobilization techniques that does not require a forceful thrust or twisting of the body.
In addition to manipulation, chiropractors would utilize adjunctive therapy along with their treatment plan. This therapy may include ice or heat or physical modalities, as part of their overall treatment plan. Patients should tell the doctor their symptoms and preferences so that their treatment plan can be modified for them. Chiropractors will even perform a thorough examination to find the best course of treatment.
Apart from chiropractors, there are also other health care providers that uses spinal manipulation for treating back pain. Osteopathic physicians can also perform different forms of spinal adjustments, which includes spinal mobilization and manipulation. There are also instances where physical therapists or psychiatrists will be trained so that they too can provide spinal manipulation as well.
Is the audible pop necessary?
The popping sound you hear during an HVLA manipulation is called cavitation. This is caused by a release of gas when the joint is pushed a short distance past its normal range of motion. It is a process that happens similarly to when you crack your knuckles.
Some patients and clinicians would consider the audible pop a sign of a successful treatment. Though there is no scientific physiological data from studies to confirm this belief.
If you are eager to start your chiropractic treatment today, then look no further than Absolute Integrative Physical Medicine. You can schedule a consultation with their head chiropractor, Dr. Alex Tam so that you can get treated in the earliest time possible. Just dial (707) 474-5688 to make an appointment today!
8:30am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 7:00pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 7:00pm
8:30am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 7:00pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 7:00pm
Absolute Integrative Physical Medicine
1490 Alamo Drive Suite B
Vacaville, CA 95687