What Else Could Be Causing Your Neck and Back Pain in Vacaville CA?

The most obvious causes of neck and back pain in Vacaville are car accidents or sports injury. However, there are cases where the cause is a mystery, even as the pain slowly builds up with time or can happen suddenly overnight.
You may not pinpoint it right away but once you think about some of your daily activities, you will realize that they could be the ones causing you the pain. In fact, they might seem subtle so it's often hard to believe that they caused it.
So, here are some of the weird things that could have caused your neck and back pain:
- Wallet - If you like to keep your wallet in your back pocket, then it could throw your spine out of alignment. This can lead to muscle imbalances and tension that causes neck and back pain. It can even compress your sciatic nerve, which leads to sciatica and its related pain in the lower back and legs.
- Couch - Slouching or sitting in an uncomfortable position can fatigue, overstretch, and strain your muscles and ligaments over time. Sitting can put more strain on your back compared to standing, and if you remain in that position for a long time, it creates muscle imbalances that are usually the root cause of many neck and back pain cases.
- Flip-Flops - It is a summer staple for many, but its structure will require you to "hold" it on with your toes as you take each step, thereby altering your gait. This can create issues with your legs, hips, and knees while also causing back pain.
- Neckties - Wearing a necktie that is too tight can increase the tension in your neck, shoulders, and back. To know if it's too tight, just try slipping a finger between your neck and shirt collar, and if it can't go through then you need to adjust it.
- Shoulder and Piggyback Rides - It is always fun to carry your child on your shoulders or via piggyback, but the lifting process involved can easily put a strain and stress on your neck, back, and shoulders. Doing this too often can lead to muscle imbalances that can cause chronic pain.
- Sleeping on your stomach - If you look at it in a pain perspective, sleeping on your stomach is one of the worst positions to sleep in since it forces your head to turn to one side. It is a guarantee that you will wake up with a sore and stiff neck. This is the reason why sleeping on your back or side is always the best but if you can't control being a stomach sleeper, then you must use a soft, thin pillow that allows your head and neck to remain in a straight line with your spine.
- A long commute - Spending a lot of time driving daily can put some strain on your neck and back. If this is your routine, it is recommended that your seat is at the proper angle to your steering wheel to avoid neck and back strain. Driving in a forward slouched position creates muscle imbalances, which is a key underlying factor in many cases of neck and back pain.
If you need help on getting rid of your neck and back pain, then don't hesitate about calling our clinic for help. Our lead chiropractor, Dr. Alex Tam, here at Absolute Integrative Physical Medicine in Vacaville, CA will provide you with the much-needed treatment for your pain. Just get in touch with us by dialing (707) 474-5688 and setup an appointment as soon as possible.
8:30am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 7:00pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 7:00pm
8:30am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 7:00pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 7:00pm
Absolute Integrative Physical Medicine
1490 Alamo Drive Suite B
Vacaville, CA 95687