What Is Grounding in Vacaville?

Grounding in Vacaville, also called earthing, is a form of therapy where you do activities that "ground" you to the earth. This technique relies on grounding physics and earthing science to explain how the earth's electrical charges can provide a positive effect on your body. It is a therapy that doesn't use the same technique that is done in a mental health environment.
What science says
As of now, grounding doesn't have enough research to prove its effectiveness and there are only a few scientific studies regarding its benefits. However, recent scientific research has explored grounding for mood, inflammation, chronic pain, cardiovascular disease, and muscle damage.
The theory behind this is that grounding affects the living matrix, which connects all living cells.
Electrical conductivity exists inside the matrix where it functions like an immune system defense, similar to antioxidants. They believe that grounding restores the natural defenses of the body. Further research supports this idea.
Types of grounding or earthing in Vacaville
Grounding comes in many forms. Each of them focuses on your reconnection to the earth. This can be done in direct or indirect contact with the earth.
Lying on the ground - The best way to increase your contact with the earth is by lying on the ground. You can do in the sand at the beach or in the grass by the park. When this is your idea of grounding, make sure to take necessary precautions to prevent yourself from being injured.
Walking barefoot - There are times during summer days where you feel like walking barefoot on the ground due to the warm weather. If that is what you have in mind, then do it because walking barefoot is one of the easiest ways of grounding yourself. You can do it in the sand, mud, or grass just as long as your skin touches the natural ground.
Submersing in water - Not only does grounding apply on land, but doing it in water also works the same way. The best way to do it is by wading in a clear lake or swimming in the ocean. Just be sure to keep yourself safe especially when you plan on swimming in murky or deep waters.
Using grounding equipment - When you don't feel like grounding yourself outdoors, there are alternatives that you can consider. One method of earthing is by connecting a metal rod to the ground outside and connect the rod to your body using a wire. If using a rod is not an option, there are still other grounding equipment that you can use. They are still effective in incorporating earthing therapy into your daily life. This option includes:
- Grounding socks
- Grounding mats
- Grounding bands and patches
- Grounding blankets or sheets
Why use grounding?
The research on the benefits of grounding is still lacking. However, people have reported that they experienced improvement in their conditions such as:
- Chronic pain - Those who used grounding patches have experienced that their pain levels have lowered.
- Chronic fatigue - People who have this condition reported that their fatigue levels have decreased after 4 weeks of treatment with grounding mats.
- Anxiety and depression - By doing 1 hour of grounding, it can already improve your mood.
- Cardiovascular disease - Long-term self-administered grounding therapy reduced blood pressure levels for people suffering from hypertension.
- Sleep disorders - People have experienced an improvement in their sleep length and have reduced their sleep disturbances with grounding therapy.
As it was mentioned, there are still a few types of research needed to verify these claims. Still, some health professionals believe that grounding therapy benefits may come from the feeling that you've reconnected to nature. Regardless, there's only minimal harm for this therapy.
8:30am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 7:00pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 7:00pm
8:30am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 7:00pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 7:00pm
Absolute Integrative Physical Medicine
1490 Alamo Drive Suite B
Vacaville, CA 95687