Why A Strong Core Can Manage Low Back Pain in Vacaville

If you are suffering from back pain in Vacaville, strengthening your core could be a great way to provide yourself some relief. But is this true? And if so, how do you do it?
Question: What is your core?
When people think about the core of the body, they immediately refer to the abdominal or six-pack area just below the ribs. Even though the abdominal muscles are part of the core, you need to also consider the following areas as well:
- Front abdominal muscles - the rectus abdominis.
- A deep muscle wrapping around the front - the transverse abdominal.
- Muscles along the side of the body - the external and internal obliques.
- Back muscles located between the spine bones and run along your spine - the erector spinae and multifidi.
Your core also contains the diaphragm, gluteal muscles, hip flexors, and muscles of the pelvic floor.
Question: What is the link between back pain and core strength in Vacaville?
If the muscles around your lower back are weak, your body will have to rely on other passive structures for stability such as the ligaments and discs or spinal bones. When that happens, it can cause pain.
However, some studies show that specific core exercises are not that beneficial compared to general exercise for low back pain. Exercise, in general, could be of great help and focusing on core muscles may provide some added benefit.
Question: Which core exercises that are good for back pain?
Side plank - Sit on the floor with your right hand situated below your right shoulder and feet stacked. Lift your body, abdominals engaged, keeping your legs long, and feet stacked. Hold and repeat on the other side. You can make some modifications by dropping your bottom knee to the floor for additional support.
- Plank - Kneel on all fours. Pull in your abdomen and stretch your legs until they become straight. Your hands should be directly under your shoulders while you straighten your neck. Hold your abdomen and legs tight and do not let your lower back sag. Hold and breath for 30 seconds. This pose can be modified by lowering your knees.
- Bird dog - Kneel on all fours. Reach one arm out in front of you while drawing in your abdomen and extending the opposite leg long behind you. Repeat on the other side.
Question: Can you injure your back when you try to strengthen your core?
Improper execution of an exercise, whether it is core-strengthening or otherwise, it can potentially cause some discomfort.
Twisting exercises or even an incorrect way of completing an exercise can cause pain in the lower back. But it is more unlikely that one repetition of an exercise can seriously harm your body, unless it is an exercise that requires a heavyweight.
The best way to ensure your body's safety is to listen to body cues like pain during and after an exercise, and even the next day after your workout day.
So, if ever your lower back pain becomes unbearable and none of the core exercises helped, you can get in touch with the clinic of Absolute Integrative Physical Medicine. You can even ask some further advice about protecting your lower back so make sure to dial (707) 474-5688 and get an appointment right away.
8:30am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 7:00pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 7:00pm
8:30am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 7:00pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 7:00pm
Absolute Integrative Physical Medicine
1490 Alamo Drive Suite B
Vacaville, CA 95687